Joint message from presidents of WSG, College Democrats and College Republicans
Hi Warhawk,
At UW-Whitewater, we believe each of you has the power to inspire others, engage with ideas, and transform the world around you.
One great way to do that is to vote! Election Day is fast approaching on Tuesday, April 2.
Some of you are first-time voters, which is exciting! You can vote in Whitewater or back home. All the information you need to get started can be found on the Warhawks Vote website.
- If you live on campus, you will vote at the Downtown Armory. A free shuttle will leave the University Center lot 12A on top of each hour, as well as 20 minutes after and 40 minutes after each hour, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- If you live off campus, find your polling place here.
- If you need to register at a polling place on Election Day, bring ONE of the following with you: Wisconsin driver’s license or ID card, residential lease, utility bill from the past 90 days, Voter ID Compliant HawkCard, or a photo ID issued by an employer.
We hope you will take time to vote and encourage those around you to do the same.
Angelino Izzo, Whitewater Student Government President
Evelyn Schmidt, College Democrats
Edward J. Ranieri, College Republicans