UW-Whitewater Foundation, Inc. Fiscal Year-End
UW-Whitewater Foundation, Inc.’s June 30, 2024, fiscal year-end is quickly approaching. Please deliver donations, along with the Foundation’s Deposit Form, immediately upon receipt.
For investment purposes, it is important to have FY24 endowed fund donations processed prior to the start of our next fiscal year, so please include all postmarked envelopes with donations. If you are unable to deliver donations to the Alumni Center, please call the Foundation at 262-472-1105 to make arrangements.
Please work with the university to resolve any negative departmental 233 account balances. Provide an expense breakdown along with WISER printout with a Check Request Form to the Foundation to have those balances covered with applicable available Foundation funds and prevent interest charges. For all FY24 expenses, submit a Check Request Form and corresponding vendor invoices ASAP. This can be done via campus mail, in person, or email. Accounts payable (AP) will occur weekly in June, with the last occurring on June 26, 2024. All FY24 check requests should be given to the Foundation no later than Tuesday, June 25, 2024 by 12 p.m.
You will find recently updated check request, TER and deposit forms on the resources for employees page, https://www.uww.edu/foundation/employee-philanthropy-resources.
If you have any questions, please contact me at MeinenTS03@uww.edu or 262-472-5760, or the Foundation’s Director of Finance, Linda Druetzler at DruetzleLO09@uww.edu or 262-472-1392.