Message from Chancellor King
Dear campus community,
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which is a time to raise awareness about mental illness and reduce stigma around it. We know mental health challenges are pervasive on college campuses.
In a 2021 survey by the American College Health Association, almost three quarters of students reported moderate or severe psychological distress. Another survey shared that emotional stress has become the most common reason students say they are considering dropping out of college.
Here at UW-Whitewater, we are thankful to have free resources for our students, employees, and the community. While we are fully committed to meeting the needs of our university, we are not finished trying to expand and improve our offerings.
To that end, I would like to share with you two major efforts that are underway:
- First, we had our first academic year with the Chancellor’s Committee on Mental Health. We formed five working groups based on a large-scale campus needs assessment, completed in collaboration with the Jed Foundation. Initial outcomes include the identification of existing mental health services and supports on campus, and improving their awareness/accessibility.
- Second, there is a personalized portal for wellness available to all, but especially geared towards students, and the Navigate app now has a way for students to access mental health services and information.
Remember that mental health issues can be serious. Always seek help from your physician or a professional if necessary. Here are some early warning signs. If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, here is information to get help right away.
Thank you,
Corey A. KingChancellor