Upcoming renovation and maintenance projects
Dear University Community,
Starting this spring, buildings across the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater will undergo important maintenance and renovations.
Eight state projects totaling more than $8 million are planned — from general building repairs to upgrades that will enhance the experience on campus. Projects are made possible by funding through the state of Wisconsin as distributed by the Universitiies of Wisconsin and specifically earmarked for maintenance and repairs; program revenue bonding, which are bonds paid through revenues generated from auxiliary operations; gift funds managed by the UWs; or campus funds.
Explore interactive map of projects >>
The state projects include:
- Laurentide Hall (roof replacement)
- Parking Lot 19 (reconstruction)
- General Services (ramp replacement)
- Hyer Hall (exterior stair replacement)
- Berezowitz Student Athletic Complex (air conditioning replacement)
- Ambrose Health Center (interior modifications)
- Greenhill Center of the Arts (Hicklin and Barnett theatres floor replacement; egress lighting)
- van Steenderen Softball Complex (lighting installation)
- Sidewalk north of Wyman Mall (steam and condensate line replacement, Goodhue to Hyland)
- Roseman (generator room; sidewalk replace)
There will also be in-house improvements made by our Facilities Planning and Management department for the improvement and maintenance of campus facilities, including the safety lab relocation from the Community Engagement Center to Ambrose Health Center, Hyland Hall department updates, Upham Hall flooring upgrades, and Alumni Center restroom upgrade, and the installation of a service path to Perkins Stadium.
In addition to campus projects, the City of Whitewater is conducting a project on Fremont Street that extends from Starin Road to Schwager Drive.
- Access to the Ambrose Health Center will be restricted to the north entry from the parking lot. Access from the south entrance will be closed as the south vestibule is being enlarged/modified as a part of the interior modifications taking place within the facility.
- The steam and condensate line replacement will impact the pedestrian mall to the west of Goodhue Hall and Bookstore as it leads to Starin Road. There will also be times when traffic traveling on Starin Road will be affected (Starin Road will be closed between Prairie and Warhawk Drive). The utility work will extend from Goodhue to Hyland Hall. The project schedule has been delayed and is not expected to start until later in summer/August and continue through the Fall 2024 semester.
- The City of Whitewater project on Fremont Street will impact access to the General Services Building. The intersection of Lauderdale Drive/Freemont will close by the end of April and remain closed for the duration of the summer. The intersection of Schwager Drive/Freemont will also close at some point this summer.
Please refer to the interactive map throughout the summer for updates on construction schedules. Thank you for your understanding and assistance during these projects!